Church Focused or Kingdom Minded

Make Note of the Distinction

-Pastor Chelle Lattimore

In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says to the Church of Laodecia: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door; I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me (NASB)." This particular church was guilty of becoming lukewarm-described as being neither hot nor cold-so much so that Jesus tells them in Revelation 3:16 that He "will vomit" them out of His mouth. These words of Jesus to the Church of Laodecia causes one to think, "How many of today's churches would cause a similar reaction and response from Jesus? How many churches today are more focused on their external appearance of 'prosperity,' than their level of fellowship with God, or preparing and equipping disciples?" And these questions extend to each and every follower of God and Christ.

As followers of God and members of the Body of Christ, we cannot allow ourselves to forget that there is no gray; there isn't an in-between. It is black or white, hot or cold. It is not the temporary that we are to set our sights on, but the eternal.

The Church of Laodecia focused so much on what they had acquired and possibly on all that they believed they knew. They focused so much on the temporary and superficial that they overlooked the eternal. Spending so much time looking on their outward, this church overlooked their souls. It reminds me of a saying I would hear my grandma say: "They can't see for looking." And this is very much the case with the Church of Laodecia. This church had a perception and thought problem. Their thoughts mistakenly caused them to perceive that all was correct, justified, and rich in their church, but Jesus exposes the truth lying beneath the surface of this church. Bottomline, they have everything they think they need within the church, EXCEPT the most important element, the reason, and lifeline-JESUS! And we know this because we read in Revelation 3:20, that HE stands outside the door knocking. 

Today many churches are not hearing what the Spirit is saying to the churches. It is not about the appearances; it is not about the wealth. Members of the Body of Christ: it is not about being visibly seen in attendance at the popular church, or at every church program. It is about going where your Spirit can be fed, and where the purpose, mission, and agenda is Kingdom Minded and focused. As a whol,e the church has been "doing church" for way too long. It has been caught up in tradition and entangled with the religion spirit for so much time that the Body of Christ has become more "church focused," than Kingdom minded.

According to, "Kingdom of God" is used over 70 times in the New Testament. Christ speaks of the Kingdom of God, and He wanted us to fellowship and learn the ways of the Kingdom ruled and controlled by God. We are to be preparing for the Kingdom of God and serving in the Kingdom of God's Army. Our focus should be on the Kingdom of God, and our mind's set to the eternal Kingdom of God. Church should be the first arena to do as Jesus instructs in Matthew 6:33, "Seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness..." Church is where Kingdom standards should come first-not where Jesus is placed outside, standing at the door. It is a place for those who seek Him to find Him, for those who yearn to learn to be taught-but taught how to transform into Kingdom minded, not taught how to do church. 

Churches today, we have to be KINGDOM MINDED and focused on transformation, on deliverance, and on creating disciples- knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ONLY WAY this will transpire is by ensuring that the TRUTH, the LIFE, and the WAY is not placed outside the door, but that the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD reigns throughout each and every service, pearmeating through every facet.

-Blessings to you all